Here are some skincare products that you probably don’t need to spend money on!

Here are some skincare products that you probably don't need to spend money on!

Do we really need a shelf full of moisturizers, serums, exfoliants, facial cleansers, and beauty gadgets for our skincare routine?

Here are some skincare products that you probably don't need to spend money on!
Here are some skincare products that you probably don’t need to spend money on!

Summary: What do we really need? We might not need any products. Makeup remover wipes Topical collagen Facial cleansing devices Eye cream Peel-off masks and sleeping masks Stretch mark creams Neck creams and expensive cosmetics Facial mists Face rollers Acne spot treatments

Pay attention to the phrase “Skinmalism” because it will be one of the beauty trends of 2024. No more multi-step skincare routines, shelves filled with moisturizers, serums, toners, exfoliants, and cleansing devices. It’s time to seek out a more limited selection of essential products that are effective on our skin and stick to them. No need to layer multiple moisturizers, anti-aging products, active ingredients, and any magical elixirs promising eternal youth for our skin anymore.

The beauty industry “preys” on our insecurities and excels in convincing us to buy products we probably don’t need. Coupled with reviews or advertisements from influencers, before-and-after images, and often controversial (but convincing) opinions from beauty experts, we almost can’t resist buying another product promising to lift and rejuvenate our wrinkles with snail mucus, bird’s nest extract, and angel wings… Finally, we look at our bank accounts with several zeros and a shelf full of cute, Instagram-worthy bottles, which aren’t always useful.

What do we really need? Despite what persuasive marketing strategies suggest, our skincare routine doesn’t necessarily need 20 types of serums, 40 jars of moisturizer, and sheet masks for every day of the week. If we don’t have specific skin issues (if we do, we should consult a dermatologist), if we drink enough water and follow a balanced diet supporting both physical and mental health, we can rely on our body’s natural ability to produce most of what our skin needs. Our skin has mechanisms for self-moisturizing, self-exfoliating, and self-protection. Our skin’s protective barrier has a special function: a self-produced lipid layer that coats the skin, shielding it from environmental aggressors and retaining essential factors like water. What we need to do is actively maintain and enhance our skin’s protective barrier, and for that purpose, we only need 5 basic products: makeup remover, facial cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

Despite what persuasive marketing strategies suggest, our skincare routine doesn’t necessarily need 20 types of serums, 40 jars of moisturizer, and sheet masks for every day of the week.

10 tips to determine the shelf life of skincare products – and how to extend it – Beauty magazine for women in Malaysia – Beauty tips, discounts, trends and more

Cleansing will remove excess oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and accumulated makeup, which if left can clog pores and cause acne, as well as environmental pollutants that can stimulate the production of free radicals, one of the culprits of skin aging. Those not with dry or sensitive skin should cleanse and remove makeup twice a day, and always choose cleansers and makeup removers based on skin type. Cream cleansers are suitable for dry skin, use gel or foam if you have oily skin, and opt for fragrance-free products for sensitive skin. After cleansing, the next step is daily moisturizing, with products tailored to individual needs. For example, those with acne-prone skin should use a moisturizer that is not too thick and is non-comedogenic to avoid pore congestion. The final step before going out: never forget sunscreen. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays, with at least SPF 30.

We might not need any products? Once the skin’s protective barrier is strengthened and protected, secondary issues such as dark spots, acne, and signs of aging can be addressed. Remember that there are no miracle products and “magic potions” guaranteeing eternal beauty. There are reasonable products to add to the skincare routine, like basic antioxidants, vitamin C, or hyaluronic acid, precious ingredients that help retain water and make the skin brighter and more hydrated. But there are many other products that we may not need to use, despite their interesting ingredients and cute packaging.

Here are 10 products we probably don’t need (or at least aren’t as useful as the brands claim).

Makeup remover wipes The fastest way to improve skin is to cleanse it properly. Although makeup remover wipes are convenient and useful when we don’t have time to cleanse properly, they can damage and erode the skin, causing irritation or even tiny scratches. Moreover, although they seem to remove makeup and impurities, all makeup remover wipes do is move dirt around instead of removing it, leaving behind more residue that the eye doesn’t see but can harm our skin. It’s best to choose a gentle facial cleanser with water or Micellar water, which has been proven to be more effective in removing makeup and less harsh on the skin.

Topical collagen Collagen is a well-known term in the skincare world. The reason is simple: collagen is a type of protein that keeps the skin firm, elastic, and plump. Over time, as we age, our natural collagen levels decrease because the natural collagen production process slows down, and signs of aging become more apparent. In today’s society, aging is frowned upon. So, we’ll do anything to prove that our skin is still youthful, and the jars of collagen-containing creams and serums promising to help us achieve this are becoming extremely popular. But do they really work? Skincare products containing collagen do not affect the deeper layers of collagen in the skin because collagen molecules are too large to penetrate beyond the skin’s surface. They can only help moisturize the skin and plump up the surface.

Facial cleansing devices Will facial cleansing devices help clean the skin better? Not necessarily. In fact, in some cases, using devices with hard brush surfaces and using them too much can be harmful because they can damage the skin’s surface layers, affecting the function and health of the skin’s protective barrier. The negative result is dry, irritated, and sensitive skin. Most experts opt for using exfoliating acids for deeper skin cleansing, but they agree that using hands to wash the face is sufficient, and facial cleansing devices are a waste of money.

Eye cream Eye cream can be described as moisturizer in smaller and more expensive packaging. Puffy eyes, dark circles, and fine lines around the eyes are common issues many of us want to eliminate, and therefore, we’re willing to spend money. But is it worth it? The truth is, most eye creams only marginally improve issues beyond moisturizing the skin’s surface. They can only temporarily plump up fine lines. As we age, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner, and dark circles are also a normal occurrence. Often there is a genetic predisposition to this or that flaw, but in any case, an expensive cream, no matter how expensive, is not enough to permanently address the issue. Instead, we should focus on factors affecting the severity of the signs we want to eliminate, such as quitting smoking, adopting a balanced diet instead, getting enough sleep, and following a healthy lifestyle.

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