Staying Ahead of Marketing Trends to Capture Gen Z: What Fashion Brands Need to Know

Staying Ahead of Marketing Trends to Capture Gen Z: What Fashion Brands Need to Know

With a buying power reaching $360 billion last year, Generation Z has proven their “coolness” factor, making brands vie for their attention due to their growing influence.

Staying Ahead of Marketing Trends to Capture Gen Z: What Fashion Brands Need to Know
Staying Ahead of Marketing Trends to Capture Gen Z: What Fashion Brands Need to Know

Summary of Content: Changes in Gen Z’s search habits Unique fashion and makeup preferences Gen Z’s influence on brand values

To stay on top in the ever-changing landscape of digital media, marketers must understand the latest trends, challenges, and technologies. Let’s explore the key trends shaping how marketers interact with Gen Z in 2024.

Changes in Gen Z’s Search Habits: In the past, when people needed information, they turned to “Google.” However, Gen Z is abandoning this habit and using other platforms to seek information. According to research by e-commerce company Jungle Scout in 2023, Gen Z doesn’t frequently use Google like previous generations; instead, they use Amazon, TikTok, and YouTube to explore the world.

Notably, the rapid rise of TikTok as a search tool is significant. With the introduction of advertising products on Instagram and TikTok, it’s evident that social media search will be the focal point of 2024 that marketers shouldn’t overlook. Young TikTok users have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and tend to discover unexpected things while searching for information.

According to Hernandez, “People come to TikTok with a specific question in mind, but then they watch other videos and discover new products, hacks, recipes, and more.” Brands can leverage this behavior to capture Gen Z’s attention by creating content that addresses their questions.

Unique Fashion and Makeup Preferences: Gen Z is the fastest-growing demographic on Pinterest, currently comprising over 40% of its 482 million monthly users. The eccentric and unique fashion and makeup trends that Gen Z will continue to pursue this year are highlighted in Pinterest’s “2024 Not Yet Trending” report.

After pink Barbie dominated the fashion world in 2023, blue is predicted to make a strong comeback. Both Gen Z and millennial members are enamored with the world of makeup in sapphire tones.

A 65% growth in “aesthetic of blue eyeshadow” and a 100% growth in “sapphire-tone makeup looks” have been noted. Furthermore, Gen Z members will favor voluminous hairstyles, unique accessories, oversized earrings, wavy hairstyles, and cups.

“Grandpa Core,” a vintage style, is gaining popularity in 2024. Both Gen Z and Baby Boomers will love this style, with a combination of classic streetwear, knitwear, and personalized colors. According to Sara Pollack, Pinterest’s global head of consumer marketing, the underlying themes of 2024 fashion trends will be joyful and “maximalism.”

Gen Z’s Influence on Brand Values: In addition to fashion preferences and social media browsing habits, Gen Z will also play a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of future elections. Generation Z, comprising those born from 1997 to 2012, will make up 27% of the global workforce by 2025, making them a key demographic.

Gen Z prioritizes environmental protection and social justice. Moreover, 73% of Millennials and Gen Z say their values and beliefs influence brand loyalty and support levels.

Marketers should grasp these principles and develop campaigns promoting sustainability, social responsibility, and fairness. By demonstrating their commitment to these values, brands can win over the “picky” Gen Z customers.

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