Transform your bedroom into a magical realm with the Seventh Son Movie Julianne Moore Bedding Set. This stunning bedding set features the talented actress, Julianne Moore, in her role as the powerful witch, Mother Malkin, from the action-packed fantasy film, Seventh Son.
Crafted from soft and luxurious microfiber material, this bedding set offers both comfort and style. The set includes a comforter, two pillow shams, and a decorative throw pillow, all adorned with a vibrant and detailed image of Julianne Moore in her enchanting witch costume. The reverse side of the comforter features a subtle and elegant design, perfect for when you want to switch things up.
Available in queen and king sizes, this bedding set is perfect for any fan of the movie or lover of fantasy. It is also a great addition to any themed bedroom or a unique gift for someone special.
Bring a touch of magic and adventure to your bedroom with the Seventh Son Movie Julianne Moore Bedding Set. Order now and let Mother Malkin cast her spell on your dreams.